The problem with the 1/3 number (even if it is accurate, and it may be)
is that it is a highly agregated numbes.  It does'nt mean necessarily
that a third of every natural resource is gone, clearly some are more exploited 
others.  Actually her quote about forests is that 4% of the original American
forest remains, that I have seen before.

mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I never said anyone was crazy.  I never said 
anyone was a fanatical
religious nut either.  You however just did.    First Betty made assumptions
about me that weren't true.  Then told me essentially that since I disagreed
with her I should shut up.  She gives zero reason for what she believes.
That kind of reasonable discourse looks like zealotry to me.

I never said I believed or disbelieved in man made global warming.  I just
made two points...the video's comments about forests were highly exaggerated
and the comments about military spending seemed extremely high but i asked
for others to give me some data.  No one did, I just got if you want to see
it, look it up.

I'll now go back to the usual pc's suck/macs are too expensive vitriol
already in progress.


On Jan 12, 2008 11:19 AM, Michael Lewis  wrote:

> mike sez:
> >Thanks for proviing my point Betty.
> >
> >Mike
> Proving what point? That someone doing something to help the
> environment, however small, means someone is a fanatical religious nut?
> That demeans both science and religion. I suppose you thinking brushing
> teeth is a religion because, after all, why do something so trivial and
> boring when one can just go to a dentist and buy a whole new set of
> teeth some day?
> Nice debate tactics trying to shut down discussion by simply writing off
> your opponents as crazy. You might as well just say "I know you are but
> what am I?" or "I'm rubber, you're glue." It's about as useful.
> --
> Michael Lewis
> Off Balance Productions
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