Betty I don't disagree with you.

One of the first directives to Humans by God was to subdue the earth, not rape and plunder. Christians believe in conservation and preservation. We do not look at it as a religion.

Scripture no where states that we can use up the earth and do with it what we want. Proper stewardship of the resources is one of the most over looked area.

The problem with the one web site posted is that it tried to use misleading statistics to prove it's point this will loose you fans real fast who can see through it.

We have a problem, we have part of the solution so lets start fixing it where we can.

If solar energy were cheaper I would be all for using it right now. I live down south. We pay outrageous electric and natural gas rates. I should be able to heat my house in winter and provide year round hot water with Solar at a reasonable cost.

Can't do it yet without a huge outlay.


At 05:43 PM 1/13/2008, you wrote:

You've proved my point that you don't understand the subject, so you just make up anything to cover up you lack of knowledge. I don't believe in global warming and climate change--that would be a religion, which it's not. There's plenty of scientific facts/evidence to prove it, and little to prove otherwise. Those who deny the significance of climate change have about as much credibility as flat earthers with climate and other scientists. The danger from pollution and the increase in CO2 is significant and can be reversed, whether or not they contribute directly to global warming. People like you who deny the facts so they can avoid remedies are a big part of the problem.

I've been involved in the solar energy industry since the late 70s. The $50,000+ in energy costs that we've saved just on our house is cold [or warm], hard cash that we used for college tuition and many other things that we couldn't have afforded using traditional wasteful energy. Unless your religion is money, and you have the science to back you up about climate, you're full of hot air that you can use to heat your house this winter.

Global warming is helping the palm trees to grow better in my yard in Maryland. We now have four--three Chamaerops humilis,, and one Rhapidophyllum hystrix,


Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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