You will not need the XPS for a student.

One of the better Inspirons (not the entry level, but one of the better ones) or an Insprion would be good.

We got an Inspiron for our HS Senior for taking to school next year. Dual processor with Vista Premium.

I got myself a Latitutde with a Dual AMD processor and XP. (It is dockable which is a must for me.)

XPS would be a little bit of over kill.

They also make the Vostro line which is a small business line which you might want to look into.

Their dell Auctions and Refurb line is not bad. Their prices are a little high on the refurbs, but you can get their care packages with them then. They are mostly off lease machines. Most of the banks around here all use Dell equipment.


At 03:54 PM 2/25/2008, you wrote:
I need to get a college student a laptop.  Not the low end, not the
high end, would the XPS be a starting point at the low end of that
line?  The student is taking nursing classes, nothing extensive in
graphics, networking, etc, just the standard bloat of the stuff
they have at the school....any solid leads?  I was considering
the outlet with a refurb for the first one, then as others queue
up better as the use is refined...

John Mealey

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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