That is partially it.  Also by using lower rated CPU's.

Very often the Discount laptop you see advertised is the bottom end processor of the bunch.

I have an old Inspiron 1150 that had a 2.6 Ghz processor in it. Top end was 2.8 plus a variety of Celerons. (This was before they started using the M processor which used again a separate numbering system)

And yes they can cycle back the processing speed for power consumption. Some of this can be tweaked in your power consumption section.

Like I said I have AMD (dual core) laptops right now and am quite pleased with them. I find they out perform the Intel laptops.


At 09:42 PM 2/25/2008, you wrote:
I don't expect it to outperform a desktop or even equal it. I just have trouble with how under performing most average laptops are these days.
(Even WITH adequate RAM)

And from talking to people who know about these things it's because of the power consumption issue. Fast processing capability consumes power so basically they design new "power saving" (read wimpy..) processors in laptops to extend battery life.

Are there any chipset wonks out there who know about these things. I only know what I have heard via the gravevine...


Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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