That is entirely possible when they start putting in the bottom end processors.

I have an AMD dual core processor in my laptop and it is nice.

However I do not expect it to act like my desktop which is a Dual core 2 Ghz, 3 GB of ram and over 500 md of HD space.

I do not expect a laptop to outperform my desktop.


At 07:34 PM 2/25/2008, you wrote:
Meaning SLOW processing whatever you are doing. Click and  wait...

I have experience this dogginess on new compacts Dell laptops (and other brands) running XP with 1 gb RAM. I could be wrong but RAM shouldn't be a factor until the point that it starts paging data / using the SWAP file and that wasn't the case on my trials

I just think the designers of current laptops are making processing power trade-offs that most people just live with. I usually use desktops and find a 6 year desktop that originally was a powerful machine can outperform a lot of these new lower to mid range laptops.


Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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