I don't expect it to outperform a desktop or even equal it. I just have trouble with how under performing most average laptops are these days. (Even WITH adequate RAM)

And from talking to people who know about these things it's because of the power consumption issue. Fast processing capability consumes power so basically they design new "power saving" (read wimpy..) processors in laptops to extend battery life.

Are there any chipset wonks out there who know about these things. I only know what I have heard via the gravevine...


Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:
That is entirely possible when they start putting in the bottom end processors.

I have an AMD dual core processor in my laptop and it is nice.

However I do not expect it to act like my desktop which is a Dual core 2 Ghz, 3 GB of ram and over 500 md of HD space.

I do not expect a laptop to outperform my desktop.


At 07:34 PM 2/25/2008, you wrote:
Meaning SLOW processing whatever you are doing. Click and  wait...

I have experience this dogginess on new compacts Dell laptops (and other brands) running XP with 1 gb RAM. I could be wrong but RAM shouldn't be a factor until the point that it starts paging data / using the SWAP file and that wasn't the case on my trials

I just think the designers of current laptops are making processing power trade-offs that most people just live with. I usually use desktops and find a 6 year desktop that originally was a powerful machine can outperform a lot of these new lower to mid range laptops.


Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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