What makes you think you want to go back?  When vista first came out there
were some driver issues and some programs wouldn't run, it's been over a
year and service pack 1 is out...the driver base for vista is huge and
finding programs is simple.  You may not be able to run that 9 year old
piece of software you have, but I have yet to find something I needed to do
I couldn't.  And that's with running 64bit vista.

Don't buy into the negative hype...it's windows for good or bad.


On Sun, Jul 13, 2008 at 8:04 AM, gerald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i just purchased a new ACER AMD econobox.  it came with Vista.  do i want
> to keep Vista, or do i want to reformat and load XP?  i have run xp machines
> since day one, and have yet to run a vista machine.
> the only thing i have done so far is decrapify the box to the best of my
> ability.  some stuff is seriously embedded.
> i understand that somewhere i can get a "free" copy of XP to complement my
> Vista.  anyone have the name of that site, if that is the recommended way to
> go.
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