That depends on you (and the machine).  There's nothing "wrong" with Vista
per se, it's a good OS, but it's biggest crime is just being underwhelming
for a 5-year effort.  It can be frustrating at times to find where MS has
moved functionality, but as with any new design, you get used to it over
time.  Some of the changes make sense, others, not so much.  

You mention it's an econobox.  Does it have enough muscle to run Vista at an
acceptable level?  Running it on less than 2 GB of RAM is no fun.

As to the "free" copy of XP, that's between you and Acer, who bought the
Vista OEM license for you and at last check, that depends on which "flavor"
of Vista you have.  Add to that, they may not even have XP drivers for your

Frankly, unless you *have* to have XP, it's not worth the trouble to


> -----Original Message-----
> i just purchased a new ACER AMD econobox.  it came with Vista.  do i
> want to keep Vista, or do i want to reformat and load XP?  i have run
> xp machines since day one, and have yet to run a vista machine.
> the only thing i have done so far is decrapify the box to the best of
> my ability.  some stuff is seriously embedded.
> i understand that somewhere i can get a "free" copy of XP to complement
> my Vista.  anyone have the name of that site, if that is the
> recommended way to go.

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