The way I've heard and read about this bit of history is the night club owners started buy screwing the artists out of pay. This continued with the record labels screwing the artists out of royalties, then the artists screwing the labels back, who passed the love on to the vendors, who of course passed all this wonderful stuff on to the consumer.

Jeff M

On Nov 26, 2008, at 11:48 AM, mike wrote:

Actually Walmart doesn't edit anything. They sell the music the artists edit themselves. Blame the artists....and you can blame them for the DMCA
as well.


On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 12:31 PM, b_s-wilk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Walmart and Amazon both have significant libraries that are DRM free.
near monopoly Apple has(d) on digital tunes seems to have angered some of
the record companies and they have struck better deals elsewhere.

Walmart is DRM free? Sure. They also edit all the
good/interesting/controversial parts out of the movies and music they sell.

Evil store. Better to get rid of DMCA than to rely on vendors like Walmart.

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