How often do you fly?

Did you know that airlines regularly edit movies that get shown on airplanes?

One of the reasons is that their customer base is really wide.

Some stuff is just not appropriate for certain people.

If that is what their customer base wants let them sell it. Does that mean I have to buy from them?

I prefer to buy from Amazon not Walmart.

You are free to shop wherever you want. Walmart appeals to a different customer base.


At 02:25 PM 11/26/2008, you wrote:
I think you mix up freedom for people vs freedom for corporations. I
think one of the biggest mistakes of the radical right is the belief that
corporations should have the same rights as individuals. It leads to
individual rights getting trampled because the powers of corporations are
so much greater.

Allowing Walmart to censor video content is one example. If Walmart is
allowed to do that, what is to stop them from telling newspapers what
stories they are allowed to cover and what their editorials should be?
E.g. "We don't want news about the /war/poor economy/greedy corporations/
to upset our customers."

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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