Not strictly true.  They require artists who wish to sell via their
store to provide edited versions.  Nothing evil about it, just a
marketing decision that for them works.  No one is forced to make an
edit and Walmart is not forced, nor should any store be forced, to
sell what they do not wish to sell.  Freedom is a two way street.

Knowledge--not censorship--leads to freedom.

For a long time Walmart and other vendors sold edited music and videos unlabeled. Buyers didn't know that they were getting damaged goods. Walmart forced artists to edit their material to allow them to sell at Walmart. These goods need to be labeled for what they are. Sometimes Walmart still "forgets" to do that. Walmart is too big a market for many artists to ignore, so they accept the blackmail which forces them to provide inferior goods, or go out of business.

Walmart and corporations like that don't want you to have freedom of choice. They simply want to lie, and steal from you. Does the DMCA require proper labeling of electronic entertainment media?

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