>Do you have any urls about the matter?


"Yet, efforts to exercise those rights increasingly are being threatened 
by section 1201 of the DMCA, which created the new crime of 
circumvention. Section 1201 (a)(1), for example, prohibits unauthorized 
access to a work by circumventing an effective technological protection 
measure used by a copyright owner to control access to a copyrighted 
work. Because the law does not limit its application to circumvention for 
the purpose of infringing a copyright, all types of traditionally 
accepted activities may be at risk. Any action of circumvention without 
the consent of the copyright owner is made criminal."

"These examples of the content community successfully threatening and 
hauling into court individuals seeking to exercise traditional free 
speech rights demonstrate how the DMCA is flawed, and has tipped the 
copyright balance in a damaging way against traditional fair-use rights."

-- Rep. Rick Boucher Ninth Congressional District, VA.

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