Speaking of, MS is apparently zune-ifying windows mobile.  It can't be any
worse then the current os, I've seen a few vids online of the new OS, it
looks nice.  Basically the home screen is like zune's and the internal
screens are larger so you can toss the damn stylus and use that one your
were born with.  With the velocity of the iphone and the early adoption of
android, will this late comer make a dent in the mobile handset market?

On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 6:44 PM, Jeff Wright <jswri...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Zune HD Sounds Like a Winner - If it Had Been Announced in August 2007
> >
> > http://www.mediabistro.com/mobilecontenttoday/hardware/
> > zune_hd_sounds_like_a_winner_if_it_had_been_announced_in_august_2007_123
> > 532.asp
> An iPod snob waving his hanky and sniffing at the riff-raff.
> Oh yeah, savage.
> Maybe he'll actually touch one, one day.
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