> Speaking of, MS is apparently zune-ifying windows mobile.  It can't be any
> worse then the current os, I've seen a few vids online of the new OS, it
> looks nice.  Basically the home screen is like zune's and the internal
> screens are larger so you can toss the damn stylus and use that one your
> were born with.  With the velocity of the iphone and the early adoption of
> android, will this late comer make a dent in the mobile handset market?

Even though it will be a iPod Touch competitor, I suspect that it will have
little impact on the market, simply because there are too many wannabe snobs
won over by the relentless marketing jihad of the iPhone and the simple fact
that it *is* late to the party.  That said, it's on my Christmas list.

No slam on the iPhone/Touch itself at all, they're good devices, but the
effect of the iDrones boorishly recoiling at the mention of a Zune or any
other non-'i' device is comical.  My hat's off to Apple; they managed to
convince a sizable group of people that they're special because of the phone
they use.

I maintain that within 5 years, the iPhone will be a bit player in the
mobile device market.  Way too much competition coming down the pike.

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