On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 2:18 AM, t.piwowar<t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> I still feel pangs of sadness over OS 9. Apple's OS X is a poor imitation.
> The new OS does not help me as much as the old one did. I finally stopped
> using OS 9 only a few weeks ago.

  I am still using it.

> If you can't get emotional about technology,what are you doing here?

  I can get emotional on technology as a subject for discussion more
so than in reference to a piece of hardware.  If my car craps out and
will not start I can feel pangs of one sort or another, especially if
I really am supposed to be going somewhere.  Ditto my computer.  While
I appreciate and enjoy my various computers, even the older ones, I
just cannot get to the point of excessively using the L word, labially
caressing each letter as they pass through my lips.  I am just saying
that I cringe a bit when I hear things like, "Oh God, I LOOOVE my new
phone SOOOO much."  Chances are that in about 6 months that person is
either gonna be dumping that phone for a new one or will have lost it.
 So much for the power of love.

  Seriously though, with my newer computers, loss of files would
bother me more than losing use of the computer itself, as the computer
can be fairly easily repaired or replaced.  With my old OS 9 machine,
to lose use of the hardware would be the bigger problem because it may
not be as easy to find a replacement that is in good working order and
would continue to be.


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