After going through this a few times I've realized I don't lose the files I need. If I truly needed them, they were printed and/or stored else where. Losing a computer or drive is similar to cleaning out the basement. Something you don't want to do but are forced to on occasion. And this is a good thing.

Jeff M
still running OS 9 on a clam shell, OS X whatever on a little white ibook and also OS X whatever on my new 24" iMac.

On Aug 8, 2009, at 5:07 AM, wrote:

 Seriously though, with my newer computers, loss of files would
bother me more than losing use of the computer itself, as the computer
can be fairly easily repaired or replaced.  With my old OS 9 machine,
to lose use of the hardware would be the bigger problem because it may
not be as easy to find a replacement that is in good working order and
would continue to be.


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