> Only your misunformation on this one. I doubt when he
> mentions single payer federal system he is talking
> about just Illinois.

> I dont get why the lefties dont want to admit this is
> the goal, what are they afraid of?  It's very difficult
> to have any real discourse when facts are so easily
> shoved aside. All you have to do is listen to Obama and
> others who represent him. Admitting this is the goal
> would mean we could have an honest conversation about
> the merits or lack of with this kind of system. We are
> entitled to our own opinions, but not our own facts.

What goal?  I personally would prefer a single payer,
government/non-profit organization based health insurance.
Why?  Commercial insurance typically has share holders and
share holders want profits.  Profits are insurance premiums
minus insurance disbursements, if a person becomes a patient
that will cost the insurance company money, the insurance
company will find a way to delay any procedure.  Refer to
the high school girl in Arizona(?) that needed a liver
transplant, the insurance company said the procedure was
"experimental" and declined the procedure.  The case
attracted attention, eventually the insurance company
okayed the surgery, unfortunately the girl died a couple
of hours (?days?) after the "okay".  I'm sure the insurance
company was glad they "saved" the money.  Bill Moyers had a
show about the topic with a person who was a "whistle blower",
look up Wendell Potter.

Take care  | This clown speaks for himself, his job doesn't
Wayne D.   | supply this, at least not directly
We all live in a yellow subroutine.

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