This is the standard response when someone doesn't have a decent argument. "If you like it so much, why don't you move there?" This is a crap argument. If the French found out how to create nuclear fusion, should we all move there, or should we import the idea?

Jeff Miles

Join my Mafia

On Sep 7, 2009, at 1:50 PM, Marcio wrote:

This is interesting. I am not pro-Cuba and I dislike Fidel as a ditactoir. I agree that Cuba is doing very poorly, partially because of the US embargo. But I beleive that socialism as in Cuba will never work. As I said before I believe in a combination of capitalism with socialized programs. But I will have to agree that Cuba has a better health care and school system that Brazil and the USA. No doubt. Health care and schools must be socialized in order to work.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Wright <>
Sent: Sep 7, 2009 3:50 PM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

 For what it is worth, Cuba has one of the best, if not the overall
best health care system in the world.  Check out the world's health
statistics and see for yourself. Marcio can speak to this issue I am

Cuba is one poor as hell nation, and the Cuban health care system is
government run, yet is at the top of the "A" list worldwide.
Socialist? Yes. Works extremely well overall? Yes. Far lower child death rate than here in the United States? By far. All citizens get
health care?  Absolutely.

Sounds like paradise. Why aren't you living there? I'm sure the Cuban
guvmint has no reason to lie to or distort the truth.

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