This is interesting. I am not pro-Cuba and I dislike Fidel as a ditactoir. I 
agree that Cuba is doing very poorly, partially because of the US embargo. But 
I beleive that socialism as in Cuba will never work. As I said before I believe 
in a combination of capitalism with socialized programs. But I will have to 
agree that Cuba has a better health care and school system that Brazil and the 
USA. No doubt. Health care and schools must be socialized in order to work.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Jeff Wright <>
>Sent: Sep 7, 2009 3:50 PM
>Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...
>>   For what it is worth, Cuba has one of the best, if not the overall
>> best health care system in the world.  Check out the world's health
>> statistics and see for yourself.  Marcio can speak to this issue I am
>> sure.
>>   Cuba is one poor as hell nation, and the Cuban health care system is
>> government run, yet is at the top of the "A" list worldwide.
>> Socialist?  Yes.  Works extremely well overall?  Yes.  Far lower child
>> death rate than here in the United States?  By far.  All citizens get
>> health care?  Absolutely.
>Sounds like paradise.  Why aren't you living there?  I'm sure the Cuban
>guvmint has no reason to lie to or distort the truth.
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