On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 10:08 PM, tjpa <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> That's why there is such a vast propaganda engine pushing these ideas --
> stuff like Fox News. Too often I encounter working people whose thoughts
> have been thoroughly clouded. They support exactly those things that run
> counter to their interests and keep them enslaved. Stupid but nevertheless
> true. So net neutrality is bad, health care reform is bad, putting
> monopolies in their place is bad, fighting media concentration is bad. They
> effectively become their own jailers.

  Most employment laws regard these virtually forced servitude
situations to be voluntary in nature.  In other words. if the worker
doesn't like it, they are typically free to leave and get another job
elsewhere.  Problem is, it can be quite difficult to find a similar
job that fits the same set of job skills that will offer an outcome
that is any different.  Plus, you are not all that likely to get a
good recommendation toward future employment if your boss thinks that
you are leaving because of dissatisfaction.  Change careers?  A
possible cure, but then again, what about of all the time and money
spent getting that education and work experience?


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