Notice that I said bought access.

They are building highways now with private contractors.  Toll roads.


That opens up a can o' worms.  The FCC says I HAVE to open the
"copper" network, which I built BTW, to alternative providers.

Part of the motivation to build a separate data network not subject to
those regs.  What's the Google take on that?

I mean, if I build and maintain the network should I not own it?

Oh yes, if Google builds a network they should own it.  The cable
providers do, with theirs.

Whatever the final decision, the stakes remain:  Who owns the highway?

The Feds can say that the "people" own the highway, but that isn't an
actual fact with things that people built, like the railroads and the
cable network.  Those are privately owned.

The copper telephone network was legislated into public ownership.

Too bad, it was very effective and still is as a utility.  But I have no
motivation to maintain it in the absence of profit.  Only regulation keeps
it going.

If I build a new thing, a new highway if you will, what guarantees do I
have that IT isn't going to be regulated into another commodity?

None whatsoever.  Google wants bandwidth.  They'd like to do it as
expeditiously as possible.  And they'd like my engineers to build it for
them at cut rate prices under government sanction.

I'd tend to resist that business model.  Only because I have responsibilities
to MY stockholders.

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Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
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