On Feb 11, 2010, at 12:12 AM, Eric S. Sande wrote:
I know it's not a thing that liberals want to believe, but it costs real
money to deploy that technology.  Go ahead and vote for it, I know
how to do it.  But it is going to cost real money to implement on a
wide scale.

Last time I checked Google was not the government. Are you suggesting that those famous black helicopters are going to fan out from Washington to deliver gigabit to the people? Or are you just preparing an excuse in case Google delivers on its promise?

If it is liberal to notice that corporate managers are holding the nation hostage while paying themselves huge salaries and bonuses then I'm happy to be a liberal. This corporate attitude is not unlike that of the Greek Communist labor unions who are currently striking to warn their government that they expect to be paid top dollar even as the Greek nation collapses under the financial burden. Should I call you a Communist apparatchik?

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