They are building highways now with private contractors.  Toll roads.

Yes.  But if I charge my costs off to these contactors at full rate I still
won't recover my build expense. I mean I use contractors.  If I used line
personnel it would be prohibitive.  Yes I rely on the tolls to recover the
costs.  But I still can't realize a profit without a reasonable timeline.

If I sold only the access I'd be in a negative situation. That's what Google
wants me to do. But I can't do that.  Like I do with the copper.  That's a
money drain.  I have to offer value added services in order to leverage
my network.

I never went to business school.  But I figure if I have more money going
out than I have coming in that's bad.

And I'm not exactly paying for cut-rate talent.  My core people are the
best professionals that money can buy.  That's an expense that's worth
the dollars.  It's why we're the best at what we do.

Oh, yeah, we're more expensive.  But we also have an amazingly high
reliability rate.  I mean we are Bell Telephone.  Or what used to be Bell
Telephone.  None of the standards have been relaxed.

I guess we're sort of nonplussed and taken aback when it is assumed
that we'll take on a mission that someone else (like Google) has arbitrarily
defined without funding or a plan.  It is easy to say that something
should be done but less easy to describe how it could be done.

But we are experts at how it can be done.  We didn't build the greatest
telecommunications network in the world without our professionals
and our research labs and our manufacturing capacity.

It can be done again.  All of the talent and resources are in place.

Maybe we should think about doing that again instead of rescuing
banks and car manufacturers.

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