Rereading your original post I can't see how I was confused about whether 
three-face-threes and triplets-without-contra-corners were two separate 
questions either and yet I wrote a response with three-face-threes without 
contra corners or swings.;  (To be fair, I was really whacked after a three 
hours calling ECD, three hours dancing contra, four hours overall driving, the 
return trip entirely in the rain (yay! but wearing).). So no lack of clarity on 
your part - I p;robably just shouldn't have been sending email in that state.

Here's an ancient 3-face-3 contra I wrote on the fly back with gendered roles 
on a night when we had many more men than women and the men weren't dancing 
together, so I asked each woman to find two partners and line up in the middle. 
 It worked well in these conditions and I haven't called it since; I think it's 
kinda zesty .  It's not ideal as you only swing people in your own threesome 
(middle with each end, plus basket swing).  The swing is more like ceilidh 
protocol because you finish on the side you started - but it would be fab if 
everyone was prepared to swing in either role; then you would change places and 
have a new person in the middle each time.]

(Later I wrote one where the center people swing all four non-center people in 
turn, but never had. a chance to try it out.)

Also, I love love love Walpole Cottage with the super contra corners, but no 

-- Alan
From: Louise Siddons <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2022 12:18 AM
To: Winston, Alan P.
Subject: Re: [Callers] 3-facing-3 dances / triplets w/o contra corners

Thanks to everyone who has replied so far; I’m compiling a list to share with 
workshop participants (some of whom aren’t on here), and can share it Aug the 
list as well if it’s of interest.

Some quick replies to Alan’s points.

> On Nov 7, 2022, at 11:51 PM, Winston, Alan P. <> 
> wrote:
> Somewhat puzzled by parameters of the question.  It's an arbitrary 
> distinction but I've only encountered "Pleasure Vest" in ECD dances here so 
> that's how I thought of it.

If the puzzlement is about genre then yes, you caught me. I’ve already 
completely absorbed the UK’s lack of hard distinctions between contra and ECD 
and this didn’t even occur to me. Having said that, there are “contra” triplets 
(and other dances) without swings because Americans also used to have more 
diversity in their contra dancing, as has been rehearsed on this list and 
elsewhere many times. And I have no idea how Colin would feel about it, but I 
have taught/called the Pleasure-Vest to tunes other than the one he suggests 
because it’s a square contra tune and plenty of other tunes work beautifully. 
Which is also a bit of a British attitude!

> Also are you asking for both unclear on whenther you're asking for both 
> threesome Sicilians and three couple set dances.

I thought I was clear by saying “and another question that came up,” but yes, 
we are looking for both. Although 3-f-3 could be longways as well as Sicilian.

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