On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, Jean-Michel Dault wrote:

> > > That's an excellent suggestion. Is it in a howto somewhere?
> > Sorry, no time for that yet, too busy trying to convince others that 
> > Mandrake is an enterprise-class samba server (winbind integration, 
> > LDAP-enabled samba-2.2.x RPMS, LDAP-Domain-controller HOWTO in the works 
> Make sure you publish the link on this list when it's done! I know you
> have done a lot of work on Samba, but I haven't had the time to check
> all the changelogs to see what was improved =)

Most recent stuff was for Till, anonymous printer access works by default, 
Windows users can install windows drivers on a samba print queue if they 
are a member of the adm group on the samba server.

If you have people running Windows domains, and are trying to convince 
them to host on Mandrake, hopefully winbind auth in install works, and you 
can ask them to enter a domain admin username/password, and have instant 
personal webpages (after mkdir /etc/skel/public_html and a bit of tweaking 
to commonhttpd.conf).

A cool one is replacing the need for Exchange (if they only need mail) 
with a winbind box and something like courier.

These easy practical things aren't really covered anywhere yet, but if 
someone is interested, I may have a bit of time on my hands in about a 

(P.S. am currently seeking employment in the UK ... and a job interview 
offer or similar would help  me complete my visa application ...)

> > What do yuo need to go into the server room for???
> Most NT admins do just that. They don't know the power of remote X or
> VNC, unfortunately. And they often are scared of the command line.

Still need to get openssh running as a service on our 2k box, but in the 
meantime rdesktop is good enough ...

> We need to educate them, but it takes an awful lot of time to do it on
> the phone or face-to-face. Because a lot of them don't have the reflexes
> to e-mail you.
> They also don't believe you when you tell them there are many things you
> cannot do using the GUI, and that the command line is much more
> powerful. When that happens, my evil trick is to ssh into their system
> and do a: "while true;do eject;eject -t;done". I then tell them to try
> and stop the CD from ejecting, and to call me back when they give up the
> GUI.. works all the time ;-)
> I have a hard time when their servers are not connected to the internet
> though.

Maybe some people just don't see the advantage of never having to get up 
from your desk (except to get more coffee ;-)).

> > Only passwords on post-its I have seen are in my wallet, for machines 
> > no-one else knows about, with nothing on the paper identifying it ...
> I have a fantastic photographic and finger-touch memory. There are many
> systems where I couldn't tell you the password: I only remember the
> finger gestures to log in ;-)

My memory is OK, but then some people go and generate horrid passwords of 
12 characters with 3 alphanumerics!

> > > Draksudo would be a nice addition =)
> > So how's your perl-GTK2 ? ;-)
> > (sorry, running joke with another admin here, I keep asking him how his 
> > perl is, since he has some scripts to fix ...)
> My perl-GTK2 sucks. I think it would be easier for me to create a php-QT
> package than to learn GTK ;-)

I was actually thinking a bit about the possibilities with wxPython ... 
and the potential to use it remotely via samba (RPCs) as the win2k tools 
work .... even MCSEs could use it ...


|----------------Registered Linux User #182071-----------------|
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