On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 16:14, Tom Brinkman wrote:

>    Ya know LX, IMO, you're gettin way out'a line. First the prime 
> motivation for many join'n the Club was to support free (speech) 
> software, particularly MandrakeSoft. I know it was mine. That'n to 
> avoid being a freeloader.  Many, as myself, contributed long before 
> there was a Club. Many renewed early last fall, as myself, when it 
> was apparent Mandrake was in trouble.  No vote expected or any 
> other expectations, just future hope and appreciation for past 
> service.  Get over your gripes or go for some other distro, or OS. 
> Either way GC doesn't deserve this kind of berating.  Try'n offer 
> some constructive criticism that already hasn't been beat to death.

Maybe you're right, Tom.  But this is what I believe to be true, and if
I had not come forth and stated what I believed in with no uncertain
terms, then I would not have been being truthful about the matter.

I'm a silver member myself and I've been passing out copies of cooker
9.1 to neighbors in order to get some help in with the testing process,
so we can have a better product in the end.  Because believe it or not,
I do want this distro to succeed.  I don't have as much investment time
as the developers here, but I have been in this since almost the first
release of Mandrake, and I've been pushing it on people ever since.  And

I don't mean to step on GC, he after all is doing a good job on the
project he was told to do, according to  the bidding of the ephemeral
"ergonomics team", whom I never heard about until today.  But my
frustration regarding this has been great because I just can't
understand how such a dichotomy or information gap can exist between the
user's statements and the development team; especially when there is a
mechanism in place to address that very issue.  It *does not* make
sense.  I am certain that there are others that have the same feelings
about this, but it seems I am just one of the few that have the temerity
to stick my neck out on it.

But I've honestly stated my peace on this and others have stated
theirs.  That's what this list is all about.  So if they are willing to
leave things as they are then so am I.


Kernel 2.4.21-0.13mdk       Linux Mandrake 9.1
Enlightenment-0.16.5-12mdk  Evolution 1.2.4-1.1mdk
Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

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