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Vincent Danen wrote:
| I hate to say it, but it cracks me up how people are so against
| our business model, and things we do to make revenue so that the
| and others in the company can eat and afford to spend all of their time
| working on the distro.  Sounds like the community would rather have a nice
| distribution but all the developers should be homeless and starving.

I think, that this is just not true and most people here will agree.
There are plenty of ways how to make money out of the product without
resorting to ads. E.g. selling support, selling special "enterprise"
versions (e.g. RedHat is doing this) or making the distro
semi-commercial (aka Suse).

I do not think, that there is a problem with making money out of the
product. Most people here are Club members or bought their boxes.

Problem is, that :

a) this alienates the users - I do not know anybody who is fond of ads,
most users hate them. Yes, you could remove them, but I do not think
that the user will come back if the first thing he sees is an ad for
some unrelated product. Especially the default screensaver decision is
bad :-(

b) nobody even bothered to say something to people in Cooker. There are
plenty of people there, who are spending lots of time working on Cooker
without any remuneration. People here are not even worth a mail from MDK
saying something like "oh, btw, there will be ads in the upcoming
version, what do you think?", it seems. Somebody had to notice this on
an obscure web page and also Slashdot picked it up before somebody from
MDK bothered to say something.

| (And no, I won't bother contributing to this thread anymore)

Me neither, had enough already. But it also shows, that Mandrakesoft
does not care much what their developers and users think. Nice :-(



- --

Jan Ciger
VRlab EPFL Switzerland
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