On Friday 12 September 2003 22:07, Jan Ciger wrote:
> Ok, breaking my own wow not to reply to this thread anymore, *sic*.
> | I think this may help:
> |
> | http://www1.mandrakelinux.com/en/mdkads.php3
> |
> | it clears up some misconceptions and definitely eases my mind
> regarding the
> | situation.
> Thanks for pointing it out, it does clear up the issues. But why this
> page had to appear only after the uproar erupted ? 

Maybe because they didn't planned to have this uproar ?
You know, it was discovered this morning. And nobody at mandrake send 
the pages to osnews.
Maybe it was planned to be announced today, or it was a accident.

We will never know, but i am sure that mandrake did nothing to actively 
show this to the world, _precisely_ because they didn't want this to be 
know right now.

They cannot react as fast as people can discuss, on this liste or on 
slashdot. You know, before talking to everybody, you should carefully 
think about what you will say and this is exactly what they did.

I think that the speed of today information didn't ameliorate the 


Mickaël Scherer

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