> On Fri Sep 12, 2003 at 09:22:15PM +0200, Jan Ciger wrote: 
> (Ok, I lied, but I had to respond to this post because it's just 
> infuriating 
> and insulting). 
> > | I hate to say it, but it cracks me up how people are so against 
> > advertising, 
> > | our business model, and things we do to make revenue so that the 
> > developers 
> > | and others in the company can eat and afford to spend all of their 
> time 
> > | working on the distro.  Sounds like the community would rather have a 
> n 
> ice 
> > | distribution but all the developers should be homeless and starving. 
> >  
> > I think, that this is just not true and most people here will agree. 
> > There are plenty of ways how to make money out of the product without 
> > resorting to ads. E.g. selling support, selling special "enterprise" 
> > versions (e.g. RedHat is doing this) or making the distro 
> > semi-commercial (aka Suse). 
> Listen.  No matter what we do, there will be some people who don't like 
> it, 
> and those people will be vocal.  History has proven this.  Selling 
> support? 
> Sure, great idea.  But people will go to mailing lists, newsgroups, web 
> forums, etc. before purchasing support.  It's great for enterprise, lousy 
> for "joe user".  We would also need an increase in staff, which means we 
> need to pay these people (and train them) before utilizing them, which 
> costs 
> money.  So something has to be done to create enough money to increase the

> size of the support department. 
> Selling special enterprise versions?  C'mon.  People were *so* pissed that

> Corporate Server didn't have ISOs available.  What's the result?  People 
> who 
> want servers (and pay) buy ProSuite because it's cheaper.  People download

> the ISOs and use those for servers.  Then people cry when we don't support

> them after 18mos. 
> Making the distro semi-commercial?  Did you not read this thread?  People 
> seem to think that with these ads Mandrake *is* semi-commercial.  So if 
> you're suggesting this as a viable alternative, well, guess what.. you 
> just 
> stepped up in favour of what we're doing according to what has been 
> contributed to this thread already! 
> (See what I mean about no matter what you do some people won't like it?) 
> > I do not think, that there is a problem with making money out of the 
> > product. Most people here are Club members or bought their boxes. 
> Fair enough, but I don't know about "most".  Shall we conduct a poll and 
> determine how many people are on the cooker list and how many have bought 
> 9.1 and/or are current Club members?  I don't think "most" will measure 
> up. 
> Fact is, considering our estimated number of users, an extremely small 
> percentage of people are Club members, and I'm guessing in the order of 
> 5-10% and that's likely being generous.  You want to see ad-free versions 
> of 
> Mandrake?  Turn that number into 50% and I guarantee you will have a 
> jaw-dropping next distribution because the resources will be there to go 
> into doing some fantastic stuff. 
> > Problem is, that : 
> >  
> > a) this alienates the users - I do not know anybody who is fond of ads, 
> > most users hate them. Yes, you could remove them, but I do not think 
> > that the user will come back if the first thing he sees is an ad for 
> > some unrelated product. Especially the default screensaver decision is 
> > bad :-( 
> Please.  You didn't read the url I posted either.  Before you replied, you

> should have done so; this point wouldn't have been mentioned.  
> Screensavers 
> will not be touched.  This misinformation is causing a lot of bad will 
> towards us and it's just plain *false*. 
> And who says it's going to be an unrelated product?  You think we're 
> throwing ads in there for groceries at Safeway?  These are Linux-related 
> ads 
> >from Mandrake partners.  They are related and they are relevant. 
> > b) nobody even bothered to say something to people in Cooker. There are 
> > plenty of people there, who are spending lots of time working on Cooker 
> > without any remuneration. People here are not even worth a mail from MDK

> > saying something like "oh, btw, there will be ads in the upcoming 
> > version, what do you think?", it seems. Somebody had to notice this on 
> > an obscure web page and also Slashdot picked it up before somebody from 
> > MDK bothered to say something. 
> You know what?  I hate to shatter your ego and I'm sure I'll get flooded 
> with hate mail but... cooker is *not* MandrakeSoft.  Yes we value your 
> input, yes we value your contributions, yes we value your support, and yes

> we value *you*.  BUT, that having been said, MandrakeSoft is a company and

> as such has to make decisions that will benefit the company, it's 
> employees, 
> and it's products (with the end resulting benefiting *you* in a way that 
> we 
> see benfits all).  MandrakeSoft has had to make some tough decisions in 
> the 
> past and we will likely have to do so in the future.  We don't expect 
> every 
> one 
> to like or even agree with our decisions.... they always affect or offend 
> someone even while someone else is agreed and happy with it.  This is 
> called 
> business.  Not all of us are here just for fun and doing this in our spare

> time... some people have a personal and vested interest in MandrakeSoft's 
> survival.  So if something like this is not asked of the cooker crowd, 
> then 
> it's not meant to be an insult to the cooker crowd, it just means that the

> company is making a decision as a company. 
> Can you imagine how long it would take to get anything done if we asked 
> every little question on cooker?  I mean, where would it end?  Would you 
> like us to ask you what font to use or what colors we should use for the 
> buttons in the installer because maybe, just maybe, blue offends someone 
> and 
> someone else would rather see green? 
> Not everything needs to be, or should be, consulted with "cooker" first. 
> This is a development community, not a management community.  I think it's

> time people learned to deal with that. 
> > | (And no, I won't bother contributing to this thread anymore) 
> >  
> > Me neither, had enough already. But it also shows, that Mandrakesoft 
> > does not care much what their developers and users think. Nice :-( 
> Yeah, right, we don't care.  Give me a break. 
> What ads have to do with technical development is beyond me. 
> Anyways, slashdot and the other site(s) got it all wrong.  Try reading the

> authoritative link I posted and get some perspective.  I find the tone of 
> this email, no this entire thread, to be highly insulting. 
> You know what?  If we didn't care, there wouldn't be a cooker and one day 
> you would wake up to 9.2 pre-orders without having any idea of how it got 
> there.  Think about that as well. 
> Oh, and everything written in this thread is my personal perspective and 
> opinions and are not necessarily shared by MandrakeSoft as a company or 
> it's 
> other employees.  It does not indicate MandrakeSoft's position on anything

> other than the link I had previously posted (which someone didn't bother 
> to 
> read) which clarifies this entire situation. 
> So if you want to start the flames and hate mail, direct them to me and 
> not 
> MandrakeSoft as a whole and I'll happily ignore you. 
> Thanks. 
mdk apreciate everything done in cooker, but ... 
i really don't no where would be mdk without cooker, 
and all the people investing time in cooker, 
spare time OK, but what means spare time, 
i have a few minutes lates test really good this beta, 
let's preapre some packages & try to push them 
let's wait and resend until ...... 
mandrake WAS open for me, 
but this 
don't know what to say 

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