On Thu Sep 25, 2003 at 07:59:30PM -0400, Levi Ramsey wrote:

> > Hey, while we're at it, can we throw sendmail in contribs?  =)
> > 
> > (Serious about killing wu-ftpd altogether, semi-serious about sendmail)
> I think the policy should be that anything which listens on a port
> should not, under any circumstances, be in contribs, as contribs are not
> generally updated; I'm sure that someone will come along with a sendmail
> repository and do the updates themselves.

I disagree.  A lot of nice network-type software would be missing and I sure
as heck don't want them all in main.  What's wrong with having them in
contribs?  They aren't officially maintained... so what?  Having them in
contribs, joe sysadmin can grab the src.rpm for what he has installed, grab
the new version or patch, and roll his own.  It's still convenient for him
to have it in contribs even if he doesn't get it via MandrakeUpdate.

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
Online Security Resource Book; http://linsec.ca/
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