On Fri Sep 26, 2003 at 07:46:56PM +0200, Michael Scherer wrote:

> > Very true.  But every openssh vuln hasn't been a crash or DoS.  Mind
> > you, with openssh a DoS is bad enough.  Need to remote admin servers?
> >  What happens if the server goes down and you're stuck driving a long
> > time to get to the machine?  (It's happened).
> >
> > A DoS in apache is one thing... ssh in and restart.  A DoS in ssh is
> > another...  how do you ssh in to fix it if ssh doesn't work?
> isn't there sshd-monitor for restarting ssh ?

In contribs.

But that isn't the point.  I can make a whole bunch of monitors to handle
the other services as well.  What if this vuln didn't crash sshd but hung
it?  doesn't sshd-monitor just restart ssh if it dies?  what if this problem
hung/froze sshd but didn't kill it?  just make it consume cpu, etc.

Anyways, that isn't really the point.  I was demonstrating that something
that looks like a "simple DoS" might have more adverse affects than one
might think about by reading that it was just a "simple DoS".

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
Online Security Resource Book; http://linsec.ca/
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