On Thursday 23 October 2003 12:40, Juan Quintela wrote:
> >>>>> "john" == John Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi
> john> What is needed is a committed (and known) BETA, & RC
> john> testers. Each one committed to testing a know set of
> john> functionality (hardware & software), and regression issues.
> But that things are already fixed in the Betas & RC.

Well yes, and no. Some things were fixed, others were broken, and worse things 
that worked in RC1 did not work in RC2.

> Problem is that majority of the people don't test until the last RC or
> Final :(  Bugs reported during cooker & Betas are normally fixed.

Normally being the operative word. The KDE screensavers issue was a simple fix
yet never made it; and whilst it does not make the distro unusable, it is 
still a bloody awful bug to leave in.

A not fully functional urpmi is another issue altogether, that has to be 
categorised as a disaster.

> Later, Juan.

More RCs are needed, and must keep coming till one is considered good enough 
to release. I know this is not compatible with CD duplication deadlines 
etc... that is why I suggested a different model (ie. subscription).

To enable proper testing, there must be a set of .iso's for each RC; a short 
period of freeze on cooker, and a script that can be used to generate CD, and 
DVD .isos exactly as Mandrake would, this is because I already have the 
entire cooker tree, and don't want to download 2+ gigs of .iso images.

The iso image generator must be foolproof; ie tested on a fresh cooker 
install, found to work with no crazy errors about duplicates, missing 
signatures etc....

I'm sure there are many cookerites out there that will commit to testing 
installation, and specific configurations (eg. cd burning, changing hardware, 
network configs etc....) for each and every RC.

We can make this better

John Allen,                          Email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
MandrakeClub Silver Member.

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