On Fri, 04 Aug 2000, Franck Martin wrote:
> Bryan Paxton wrote:
> > On Thu, 03 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> > > IMHO, you're wrong. It's not to Mandrake to keep compliant with
> > > Helix-GNOME but to Helix-GNOME to keep compliant with Mandrake
> > > distribution (and others Linux distributions). They ship different
> > > packages for different distributions, they are not distributions makers
> > > but they ship alternatives (Mandrake, SuSE, etc.) or complements
> > > (Caldera) to Linux distributions. So, if they really want to be used by
> > > users, they need to adapt their packages to each distributions. They do
> > > it, a little, but don't respect each distributions specifications. It's
> > > bad and sad.
> >
> > heh I would think they're a little busy coding, I think it's great that
> > they even try to keep the spec files indepenent to each distro as much as
> > they do. But then again, maybe they're right and they should do all the
> > work and we simply reap all the benefits.........
> >
> > Bryan Paxton
> I think that rather to fight the Helix-Mandrake gnome war. Mandrake should
> be smarter and approach helix to do a partnership where helix mdk packages
> would be reviewed by Mandrake before going out. They would then be added at
> the same time on helix site and on Mandrake update site.
> It would save lot of work for Mandrake, while ensuring that Gnome is a true
> multiplatform GUI.
> May be Mandrake should start a Mandrake Package certification process,
> where the packager is known to understand and respect the Mandrake distro
> specifications.
> There is also a deeper problem, Mandrake has chosen its prefered GUI to be
> KDE. However Gnome seems now to be stable and more promising than KDE. With
> helix, Mandrake users are shifting from KDE to Gnome. In the last week we
> have talked more about Gnome than KDE. Should Mandrake review their policy
> on KDE-Gnome?
> Cheers.

Exactly! Touching base with helix-code is nothing but the perfect solution. 
And on the second note, KDE vs. GNOME is a whole 'nother problem and to cover 
it all up in one sentence........
I don't think you're going to be seeing gnome as the default desktop env 
untill gnome 2.
Well, I never said it was a short sentence : p

Bryan Paxton 

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