Hi Guillaume!

> > and such for the "normal" menu system with gnome/kde but do not
> > appear when using the menu package.
> We would need AI to guess the section, the description, etc!

Well i thinks that's not necessary ;) AFAIK the standard packages
have no entries any longer for the default gnome/kde .desktop files
(or whatever they are called). I thought that the old menues could
be in a submenu like contrib, so you have contrib->gnome->.. or
contrib->kde or contrib->redhat (or are the redhat menu entries
automagically transformed ?). The non-mdk way works fine as well
for me in gnome (has all three menu types integrated).

> As for the programs you cite, balsa and gqmpeg are in the contribs; but
> snd sounds interesting (we don't have a good sound sample editor) Is it
> the same one as here
> ?

Yes that it is, though the version on the homepage is 4, not 1.4. I
have already adopted the SPEC file for mandrake, only the menu entry
is still missing.

Best regards,

Reinhard Katzmann
no .signature today

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