Hi Guillaume!

> > Well i thinks that's not necessary ;) AFAIK the standard packages
> > have no entries any longer for the default gnome/kde .desktop files
> > (or whatever they are called). I thought that the old menues could
> > be in a submenu like contrib, so you have contrib->gnome->.. or
> > contrib->kde or contrib->redhat (or are the redhat menu entries
> > automagically transformed ?). The non-mdk way works fine as well
> > for me in gnome (has all three menu types integrated).
> yes but the problem is that we have move towards the menu system. our
> packages no longer contain the wm menu entries.

And what about the nonstandard-packages that a newbie might install ?
Guess he found this super duper new email program (like evolution ;)
which is not yet in cooker/contrib... a desktop entry for gnome exists
but never appears in the menu.. The contrib menu would be much helpful
in such a case.

> > Yes that it is, though the version on the homepage is 4, not 1.4. I
> > have already adopted the SPEC file for mandrake, only the menu entry
> > is still missing.
> Please send it to lenny as soon as it's finished..

I have sent it to the list. If you give me his email, I'll forward it
to him as well.

Best regards,

Reinhard Katzmann

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