
CUPS itself should have compiled correctly, but I have added some little
auxiliary tools to CUPS and there the compiler options were broken I
have fixed it in CUPS 10mdk,


Stefan van der Eijk wrote:
> > Didn't try on Alpha, only on Intel where I never had problems.
> Yesterday I removed all the cups packages off of my intel system, and
> tried to rebuild the cups package, it gave exactly the same error as I
> noted in my previous mail (couldn't find cups header files).
> Compiling lpstat.c...
> lpstat.c: In function `show_jobs':
> lpstat.c:1248: warning: `> locales
> Linking lpstat...
> + gcc -opoll_ppd_base -L-1.1.2/cups -lcups poll_ppd_base.c
> poll_ppd_base.c:42: cups/cups.h: No such file or directory
> poll_ppd_base.c:43: cups/ipp.h: No such file or directory
> poll_ppd_base.c:44: cups/language.h: No such file or directory
> Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.398 (0uild)
> I don't beleive it's an alpha related problem. The way I see it the
> package needs it's header file (and libs??) to be installed in the usual
> place...
> Stefan

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