Ah ha, thanks for the pointer "Written on the back: Logitech OEM M/N: M-S48a"
the back of mine says "M-CAB48A". So... I've been round the office until I
found an M-S48A (in the guise of an Acer mouse), and.... it works. Well b****r
me. I also found one with M-BB48A but I haven't tried that yet. So.... it looks
like my 'variety' of Logitech wheel mouse is not supported by X !! (Rather than
IMPS/2 I used MouseManPlusPS/2, but it worked anyway).  

I have also found today http://www-sop.inria.fr/koala/colas/mouse-wheel-scroll/
but the only mouse they say doesn't work is the M-S48 OEM !!! Well, you live qnd
learn !

Thanks, but disappointed

On Thu, 31 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Logitech wheel mouse on PS/2
> Written on the back: Logitech OEM M/N: M-S48a
> All three elements work. There are no indications of strange behaviours
> on clicking or scrolling through the screen. On click, the wheel works
> as third button, it scrolls under Eterm or mozilla M17. To scroll under
> netscape 4.75 there is the need to launch imwheel (I used "imwheel -k").
> I couldn't make any further tests as the mouse was given to me for 5
> minutes. However I think this is enough to show that Logitechs PS/2 do
> work as you start X and for some N time... I could only test it a few
> minutes. Maybe they get nuts later but now I can't check this.
> My mouse config on XF86config-4:
>     Identifier  "Mouse1"
>     Driver      "mouse"
>     Option "Protocol"    "IMPS/2"
>     Option "Device"      "/dev/mouse"
>     Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
>     Option "Buttons"     "3"
> You can get this info from "man imwheel", but take into attention that
> 4.0 configuration syntaxis differs a bit (see my config). 
> I'm using XFree-4.0.1-8mdk without no additional changes ot patches
> (except the configs). imwheelrc is the same that came with the rpm. And
> besides, this is the same configuration that works for my Microsoft
> mouse...
> So? 
> Ektanoor

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