On Fri, 01 Sep 2000, Pelon wrote:
|  On Thu, 31 Aug 2000, Pixel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
|  > "strictly minimal install" aka basesystem and its dependencies
|  >   -> 81MB (in cooker, today)
|  > ...
|  > So if you see something that could be removed (or split), tell me. If
|  > can't find...
|  Although it would probably be a significant
|  project, wouldn't it be nice to cut that 15M of
|  modules down to just the necessary ones. I assume this would add an
|  entirely new routine to the installer.
|  There are a few other nitpicky elimination
|  options:
|  unneccesary perl modules (is there a mini-perl
|  ;))

That's what I was saying: Perl is nice, but, may be, for InitScripts can be 
used some subset. OK, 1.6MB is not "TOO BIG" size

|  groff fonts (is there a smaller version of groff
|  that would allow for man pages and nothing
|  else?)

For the last month (August), I haven't used Groff at all. As well, as Man 
pages. As far as I understand, in long-term everything is moving into HTML 
(XML). Documentation I was using: KDE help (HTML), QT help (HTML) and a 
little bit Mandrake docs (HTML). I believe some micro-browser can do this 
(with basic HTML3.2 or even 2.0 support)

|  most users need only one shell
Agree. I use Mandrake 7.0 default - bash.
|  Only fractions of megabytes would be saved and
|  we're talking a system that would remain static.
|  I don't propose a mini distribution and I realize
|  offering mini versions of packages would change
|  the distribution's identity, but the more fat we
|  cut, the more options we have.
|  pelon

In addition to Pixel's mail:

ModUtils - aren't they necessary? From package description, looks like it is 
Kernel/Hardware level.
They were required from me when I was doing KDE2 installation (as well as 
OpenSSL, POPT and ALSA; without OpenSSL, KDE2 doesn't start)  

Vadim Plessky

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