So sprach Matias Griese am Fri, Mar 09, 2001 at 05:04:05PM +0200:
> Maybe I should have read the descriptions before claiming anything. But
> still I have to ask: how many of you have diskless computers in your
> home? In my opinion those rare used features should be left optional.

Sure, you should have - but by not doing so, you just showed how "newbies"
would approach this.  Mind you, I'm not calling you a newbie - I don't know
who you are and what your experience is, but it just happens so, that
newbies would also use this (non-)approach (I assume).

They see bla*FTP*blah and think it's some sort of normal ftp server.  I
don't think that it is your fault to wrongly assume tftp to be normal ftp. 
Most don't even know that it would be possible to have a diskless machine, I

So you are definitely right: tftp should for sure not be installed by

I surely hope that you don't mind me using you as an example, and I don't
want to offend you, but it simply fits so nice .]

> BTW: I updated my distribution (7.2 updates) yesterday and noticed that
> all the daemons which were updated were started, even if they were not
> running before the update. Could this be changed at least in the
> upcoming version of Mandrake and the new security fixes?

Yes, I think so too - if a service is disabled, updating the package should
never ever enable it.  And if a service is already enabled, updating a
package should never ever disable it.

> flaws in it too. It seems to be unstable, because of too many services

Can't say that it is unstable for me.

> Another thing: I don't know if this true anymore as it was in 7.2,
> but using the logical partitions (e.g. hda5..) may cause Windows
> (98/ME) to discard every succeeding partition by drive letters.
> For example:
> hda1 (win c), hda2 (dos ext), hda5 (win e), hda6 (ext2), hda7 (swap)
> hdb1 (win d), hdb2 (dos ext), hdb5 (win f)
> In this case Windows may be unable to find the letter F: until those
> linux partiotions are deleted and changed to be as hda3 and hda4.

Hmm, might be that hda6 and hda7 are created with partition type 85.  Try to
change this to 81 and everything should be fine (I guess - I don't "use"
Windows, so I can't try)

Alexander Skwar
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