On Thursday 08 March 2001 18:52, you wrote:
> On Thursday 08 March 2001 05:26, you wrote:
> > Actually, I think its KDE thats bloated and resource hungry.
> > I have an AMD K6 350 with 64 megs of RAM,
> > give it KDE and netscape 6 and it goes so slowly I have
> > to check to make *certain* its not running Windows!
> 64MB is tight.  However, run Konqueror instead of Netscape and see how much
> free memory you have.  Netscape 4 is certainly a massive memory hog.

There is a good point I want to raise here, and that's to put the 
requirements into perspective.  To trim memory from Konqueror, XFree, and the 
rest of the packages is very likely a massive amount of effort, if it's even 
doable.  At that expense comes the expense of not having new features added 
or bugs fixed - after all, a developer can do only thing at a time.

Now let's look at the price of memory these days.  In Minnesota, a 64MB PC133 
DIMM can be had for under $20.  128MB is only $35.  Check out 
http://www.nanosys1.com for verification.  The system I just bought had a 
256MB DIMM in it - and yes, the price of the memory dropped about 25% since I 
bought it a month or two ago :-(

Now, do we really want a developer to be spending hours and hours trying to 
save a few bytes off the memory fingerprint to save you spending $20 for 
another 64MB?  A few years ago when 64MB was expensive, the answer would 
probably be yes.  But I don't believe that should be the case anymore.  

I sure I hope I don't sound like MS and encourage bloatware, because I don't 
and would like to see small, compact efficient implementations.  Sometimes, 
however, end users are asking for the impossible.  If you want to run in a 
small memory footprint like the "good old days", go back to the software of 
the "good old days" and scrap the windowing interface and use a shell.  You 
can't have it both ways.


p.s. I'm old enough to remember programming overlays on RSX-11M to fit 
applications into 64K and remember muli-user graphics systems shipping with 
512K.  I've got memory on my video card now than you can physically fit into 
an older VAX I've still got in production at work!

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA

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