> Well, you bring up a good point, Tim, but I am now convinced that this
> guy is a troll,

Moi?  Or the original poster?  I'm confused now.  All I did was agree with
the original poster, until you started making assumptions about my
livelyhood and/or intelligence.  Now I'm the troll?

> and it's the first flame I remember seeing on the Cooker
> list the whole time I've been here, and probably only the second flame
> attack made on me personally my entire life, which in all, isn't so bad.
Who's attacking who, here?

> That said, I think Mandrake would glady provide you with updates to 7.2
> if they had the money and resources that Microsoft has. Not even
> Microsoft provides updates to old operating systems, honnestly, so get
> over it.
You are still missing it.  It's not about the operating system, it's about
the applications.  And YES, Microsoft makes applications that will run on
several versions of the O/S - Office (which I understand you don't care for)
was my example.  Can I install and run Office 2000 on NT?  Yes.  Win2K?
Yes.  WinME?  Yes.  Win98?  Yes.  Can you say the same for an office
application (or, Apache, as the original poster was talking about) for

> Again, Tim, you have made a good point. But this guy already argued that
> it was wrong for Mandrake to "tie an application to the OS". Note: He is
> just throwing that phrase around. It's not the same as when Microsoft
> ties IE to Windows (but you see he's trying to make the connection,
> because he thinks it's funny).
I love being "this guy", being refered to in the third person like I can't
hear/read what you say.  Tossing the phrase around?  From an end-user's
perspective, I don't see how they will know the difference between
monopoly-maintaining tying and technical tying.  "Does it work on my version
of the O/S?  No, it only works on this version of the O/S.  Do I know why?
No, it just doesn't work."

> So on one hard he argues that this (compiling) is bad because an end
> user will not want to do it (and I agree).

Ok, we on the same page here.  Good.

> But on the other hand, he
> says that Mandrake shouldn't even provide upgrades to 8.0 so that people
> won't have to recompile themselves, because that would be bad, too.
At what point did I say that they shouldn't provide upgrades to 8.0?  I'll
go back and re-read what I said, but I'm pretty damned sure I made no such
statements.  I said they should provide updates/compatible programs for the
current and last few versions, beyond just security updates.  Or encourage a
community (yes, I'm adding this part) to build for it.  People still build
for RedHat 6.2 and 7.x seperately because of the RPM difference.  Mandrake
could use some of the same following.

> I am convinced of his many contradictions now and the fact that this
> person was not looking for some real help, but for some laughs.
Well you got that right.  I wasn't looking for help at all.  It was a
discussion about a subject that I didn't start, I just tried to contribute
to and "add my 2 cents" (I distinctly remember starting out my post that
way - sorry it wasn't even worth that much to you).  Sorry.  It won't ever
happen again.  Dave thinks I'm a troll.  My bad.

> This will be the last email I send for this thread.
Bummer, I'd like to understand your reasoning a bit more as to why I'm such
a bad person.

> --
> Sincerely,
> David Walluck

Eaon (not as polarized as the rest)

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