Harry wrote:

> On 7/25/01 9:27 AM, "David Walluck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Well, you bring up a good point, Tim, but I am now convinced that this
>>guy is a troll, and it's the first flame I remember seeing on the Cooker
>>list the whole time I've been here, and probably only the second flame
>>attack made on me personally my entire life, which in all, isn't so bad.
> I'm sorry, but who are you referring to with this, or do you brush away
> solid,rational arguments about the frustration some people have with a a
> lack of production updates as 'flames' just to sway the arguent your way?
> Geez, great, friendly atmosphere - NOT!
> Seriously, please explain.
> Harry

Again, I have tried to steer clear of this thread, but I forget if you 
were the original poster or not.

I have already said that Linux has to make some strides before even I 
could suggest it to the average computer user (as a primary OS). But by 
comparison, none of these Windows users are aware how much easier the 
Mac is to use. Even before Windows 3.1 came out to the masses, Mac had 
(and still does have) a superior interface, in terms of how appealing it 
is to the average user.

I will say again, that Microsoft *does not* support several releases 
back. It's only by luck that you are able to run the newest Office 
without problems on Windows 95, because I asure you, Microsoft wishes 
that you'd upgrade (right now, today) to Windows XP.

I am aware that a user would feel frustration for having to compile his/her

own programs, and I would not suggest that they do that, either. But it is 

through the gracious work of volunteers that these newbies can get the help

that they do, and that these unsupported packages even exist. And if you look

back through the posts, I assure you that there were personal attacks made on me,

and I have never done this to anyone, and in fact, as this e-mail proves, I agree

with much of what you are saying. But I will say again that Mandrake does not have

the inifite resources of Microsoft. Instead of Bill Gates being worth more than most

countries, perhaps he should also give back. I give back freely having never (as yet)

received any monetary payment for my work. I do it out of kindness, and I hope that

one day you will understand that concept.

Personal attacks on me and other Mandrake volunteers do not offer 
constructive criticism, and after all, the true test of a good Troll is 
that he buries a somewhat valid point in all of his trolling. Believe 
me, I know this. Dealing with Linux you deal with trolls every day. But 
I respect the newbies that are coming over, and never have I alienated 
them as I was once a newbie myself. Mandrake offers an atmosphere that 
is different from Microsoft and the #linux@EFnet's cries of RTFM (though 
there is certainly validity in that as well. I didn't get to where I am 
today by being illiterate). But I have hope that someday you will be 
able to contribute to the community in a valid way, rather than 
insulting those who work for it. (This is what is called "biting the 
hand that feeds"). Sometimes I am not able to contribute much to a 
project, and instead will make their web page instead of devloping, 
because I at least want to do *something*, and sometimes my suggestions 
may seem a little harsh, but as long as the intention behind them are 
good, what have we to lose?

So I will say for the last time, trolling and FUD are not valid methods 
of contributing to the community. You can still make the point you're 
wanting to make without resorting to personal attacks. So the sentiment 
may have been appreciated, but the attitude and the attacks on me were not.


David Walluck

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