On Wed, Jul 25, 2001 at 11:33:35AM -0600, Eaon wrote:
> You are still missing it.  It's not about the operating system, it's about
> the applications.  And YES, Microsoft makes applications that will run on
> several versions of the O/S - Office (which I understand you don't care for)
> was my example.  Can I install and run Office 2000 on NT?  Yes.  Win2K?
> Yes.  WinME?  Yes.  Win98?  Yes.  Can you say the same for an office
> application (or, Apache, as the original poster was talking about) for
> Linux?

Geez enough with the bellyaching.  You have lots of options if you don't
like Mandrake's policy on this:
a) Start building contrib packages that do what you want (odly enough
you keep missing the fact that there are tons of them out there).
b) Start your own distribution, where people will bitch at you about
something entirely different.

Either way if you put half the effort you've put into complaigning you'd
be a lot further towards your goal than you are now.


Wizard's First Rule - People are stupid, they will believe anything
if they want it to be true or they fear it is true - Terry Goodkind

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