On 7/25/01 10:33 AM, "Eaon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Well, you bring up a good point, Tim, but I am now convinced that this
>> guy is a troll,
> Moi?  Or the original poster?  I'm confused now.  All I did was agree with
> the original poster, until you started making assumptions about my
> livelyhood and/or intelligence.  Now I'm the troll?

Yeah, actually I was wondering about that myself, as I felt he was referring
to me. I'm certainly not the troll, and I neither do you look like one.

Is that the only way they have left to brush this whole issue under the
table? "Thou art a troll, begone!"

>> This will be the last email I send for this thread.
> Bummer, I'd like to understand your reasoning a bit more as to why I'm such
> a bad person.

I think the reasoning is pretty obvious to someone who has studied
socialization disorders in college - he can't handle being wrong...


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