On 25 Jul 2001 10:55:06 -0700, Ben Reser wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 25, 2001 at 11:33:35AM -0600, Eaon wrote:
> > You are still missing it.  It's not about the operating system, it's about
> > the applications.  And YES, Microsoft makes applications that will run on
> > several versions of the O/S - Office (which I understand you don't care for)
> > was my example.  Can I install and run Office 2000 on NT?  Yes.  Win2K?
> > Yes.  WinME?  Yes.  Win98?  Yes.  Can you say the same for an office
> > application (or, Apache, as the original poster was talking about) for
> > Linux?
> Geez enough with the bellyaching.  You have lots of options if you don't
> like Mandrake's policy on this:
> a) Start building contrib packages that do what you want (odly enough
> you keep missing the fact that there are tons of them out there).

Obviously I'm not being clear here.  Let me try again.  I'm not talking
about me.  I can build packages.  I can compile programs.  I can find
and fix bugs and dependancies.  Not everyone either: a) can,because they
didn't go to school to be a programmer, they're a child care worker or
whatever but have the smarts to know they want something other than M$
or b) has the time - think very busy sysadmin of a company who has far
too many things to do to sit down and start compiling stuff.  

> b) Start your own distribution, where people will bitch at you about
> something entirely different.
See above - it's not about me.

That's the last time I question the status quo - it's just not worth it.
If it's your way or the highway, then maybe I should just hitch a ride
somewhere else.


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