On Thu, 1 Nov 2001, Yura Gusev wrote:

> > Do you know if I can use this to respond to the Nimda probes..?  :^)
> Try to redirest them to microsoft site. I say mod_rewrite example
> somewhere.

Here it is.
    redirect /scripts http://www.microsoft.com
    redirect /MSADC http://www.microsoft.com
    redirect /c http://www.microsoft.com
    redirect /d http://www.microsoft.com
    redirect /_mem_bin http://www.microsoft.com
    redirect /msadc http://www.microsoft.com
    RedirectMatch (.*)\cmd.exe$ http://www.microsoft.com$1

  5:02pm  up 17 days,  5:59,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
         | /  \ |        Iouri Goussev            //  \\
        \_\\  //_/       [EMAIL PROTECTED]           _\\()//_
         .'/()\'.           Foo-Bar             / //  \\ \
   jgs    \\  //   http://foobar.irc-unix.net    | \__/ |
    I am not 31337. But I can use the Vi editor... ;-0

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