Le Mardi 26 Février 2002 15:04, Robert Fox a écrit :
> On Tue, 2002-02-26 at 14:43, Pixel wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Fox) writes:
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > > My machine has a nasty tendancy to hard crash when I play BZFLAG for
> > > extended periods without the "mem=nopentium" option.
> > >
> > > I also read somewhere that this options if highly recommended (for
> > > stability) for AMD based mahines.
> > >
> > > Why doesn't the DrakX install catch this and do this automatically?
> >
> > because I really think it should be fixed in the kernel?
> >
> > if mem=nopentium is *needed*, why not have it by default!
> Interesting argument - if we wait long enough, most things will be fixed
> in the kernel (eventually).  The problem simply is the trivial
> differences between AMD and Intel based machines. Even th GCC compiler
> has AMD specific compiling optimizations.  Some have argued that we
> should also have an AMD optimized kernel  . . . .
> Bottom line is - my machine crashes HARD without this option - and I
> would venture to guess there are several others out there who also have
> AMD based machines - and some of these people may not be technical
> enough to find and/or install this option in lilo.conf - too hard for a
> newbie.
> Agreed it "should" be fixed in the kernel - but how long can we afford
> to wait - and what are the consequences of NOT adding the option for the
> next (imminent) Mandrake release??
> Cheers,
> R.Fox

It seems that i am encountering this problem from time to time. (when i 
really use the gl display). how did you trace the problem, to make sure it si 
related to the same problem ?

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