On Wed, 27 Feb 2002, Stéphane Teletchéa wrote:

> Is it realted only to this CPU's (from where do you take that values), i'm 
> seeing it and here is what provies cat /proc/cpuifo :
> processor       : 0
> vendor_id       : AuthenticAMD
> cpu family      : 6
> model           : 6
> model name      : AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1600+
> stepping        : 2
Funny, I have an XP 1600+ as well, and the bug never happens for me. But 
notice the following: Crashes with 3d apps + AGP are not neccesarily 
related to this specific bug? It can also be your chipset's agp 
implementation or even the videocard +drivers (dri/nvidia) you use.
Is your problem _really_ consistently fixed by using nopentium?

> Will this be included in hardrake, as Known bugs : (pass mem=nopentium 
> instead of none)
And what if I do not use AGP? the bug will not happen and I do not need 
this option. 

> Stef

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