On Sat, Sep 21, 2002 at 12:51:49AM -0400, Felix Miata wrote:
> My bigger frustration is discovering problems that survive the official
> release. I started beta testing on 8.1, then did 8.2 and now 9.0. Out of
> many problems I reported, the only replies from anyone with an
> @mandrake.com address were regarding one fix that happened only
> yesterday, the boot disk creation failure problem that began with the
> first beta I tried and lasted into even RC3.
> Regarding the mouse, no one yet on the list has even made an applicable
> suggestion. Someone did mention combining /usr onto the same partition
> as /, but I don't use a separate /usr to combine, and I seriously doubt
> that could possibly be a fix for such an essential element of a working
> Mandrake distro as an ordinary mouse. 

Obviously the bug you're encountering is not a very common one.  Lots of
us have PS/2 mice.  So it's probably impossible to replicate.  

Given that... reporting it a few days before a release is very unlikely
for it to be a high priority to get resolved before release time.  

Basically you're on your own.  After 9.0 is out the door someone might
have time to track down your unique issue.  In the future don't wait
until the RC to report bugs you see in the betas.


Never take no as an answer from someone who isn't authorized to say yes.

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