On Sun, Sep 22, 2002 at 10:40:42AM -0500, Todd Franklin wrote:
> I don't understand what your hurry is.  Comparing a Linux distribution 
> to Microsoft is like comparing (forgive the cliche) apples and oranges. 
> There are some fairly serious bugs in RC3, particularly the mouse 
> problem, that really should be fixed before considering final release. 
> I commend the Mandrake team for doing a great job so far.  You must 
> consider that there are many fundamental changes with Mandrake 9.0.  The 
> average Microsoft user would be very discouraged when their mouse didn't 
> work after the first boot, and they would obviously not know how to fix 
> such a probem.  A final release should be ready to go out of the box. 
> In the meantime, I'm perfectly happy to continue using 8.2 as my 
> working OS until the Mandrake team feels they're ready to ship 9.0 as 
> stable and bug-free as possible.  

Okay let's be clear on things.  There are two mouse issues currently
being discussed on the list.

* USB Mouse fails to work at startup:  This is fixed in initscripts
10mdk.  And will be fixed in 9.0's released version.

* Missing /dev/psaux device. (psaux is for PS/2 mice).  This is an
entirely different issue.  One that as far as I'm aware only one person
has reported.

So everyone stop whining about how Mandrake is going to ship a horrible
mouse problem in 9.0.  They aren't.  The major problem is fixed.  

The confusion is just that there is one particular individual being very
loud about his issue.  There are tons of users using ps/2 mice.  If
there was a large problem with PS/2 mice we would have heard more about


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